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Car Wash

Car Wash Services at Al-Huda Fuel Stations – Al-Masyoun & Al-Balou' Branches Car Wash Waxing Polishing Interior Car Cleaning Car Accessories Fragrances Visit our branches and enjoy high-quality service!

  • Cleaning & Sanitizing Your Car Seats
  • Eliminating Unpleasant Odors in Your Car
  • Engine Cleaning
  • AC Cleaning & Sanitization
  • Dashboard Cleaning & Sanitization
  • Roof & Pillar Cleaning
  • Eco-Friendly Floor Cleaning Materials
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Reef Restaurant

Rio Café Chain

    Reef Restaurant was established in 2012 in Al-Tira neighborhood, Ramallah. It offers a diverse menu of traditional Palestinian, Arabic, and Western dishes, all expertly prepared by renowned local and international chefs. The restaurant employs a team of 70 well-trained staff members, dedicated to providing exceptional service.
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Al-Huda Maintenance Center

Al-Huda Maintenance Center – Expertise and professionalism in providing comprehensive maintenance solutions for your car, using the latest technologies and the best materials to ensure the highest quality and exceptional service.

  • Installed new and used tires and provided tire puncture repair services.
  • All types of rubber.
  • All types of cars.
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Gas & Diesel Distribution

Al Huda Petroleum Company has been the exclusive agent for Total Oils since 2008. Total Oils are among the best engine oils, providing superior protection and a longer lifespan for vehicles. Total Oils are available at all Al Huda maintenance centers and stations to serve our customers everywhere

  • Car engine maintenance
  • Extending engine lifespan
  • Lower fuel consumption
  • Suitable in all conditions
  • Environmental protection
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Total Global Oils

Al Huda Petroleum Company obtained the exclusive agency for Total Oils in 2008. Total Oils are considered among the best engine oils worldwide, providing vehicles with a longer lifespan and greater protection. The parent company, headquartered in the French capital, owns the largest network of fuel stations in the world. Al Huda Petroleum Company ensures the availability of Total Oils at all its maintenance centers and stations to serve customers wherever they are.

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Lazemak stores and showrooms are available inside Al Huda Petroleum stations at its branches.

    Lazemak Company was established in 2012 with the aim of providing all vehicle accessories, construction materials, electrical equipment, and various household and garden necessities. The company now has multiple branches across different governorates and villages in Palestine, including its main branch in Al-Masyoun neighborhood in Ramallah, as well as branches in Al-Balou’ in Al-Bireh, Al-Tira, Jericho, and Beit ‘Ur al-Tahta. Currently, preparations are underway to open two new branches in Anata and Nablus. In addition, Lazemak is continuously expanding its plans to establish more branches across various governorates to offer the highest level of service, saving customers time and effort.
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RED Supermarket

Reed Supermarket is available inside Al Huda Petroleum stations.

    Reed Supermarket was established in 2009 as a central market to meet the needs of Palestinian families for food and household supplies. Its branches are spread across several governorates, from Ramallah to Jericho and Nablus, offering competitive prices and convenient services, including dedicated parking and a qualified staff to assist customers.
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Rio Cafe

Rio Café Chain

    Rio Café was established in 2013 to offer Brazilian coffee, a variety of beverages, desserts, and shisha. Its branches are currently located in Al-Bireh and Abu Dis, with plans to expand to Beit ‘Ur al-Tahta and other Palestinian universities.
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Kashew Roastery & Coffee

    Kasho Roastery & Coffee is available inside Al Huda Petroleum stations at the Al-Balou’ and Al-Tira branches, with a new branch coming soon in Al-Masyoun. We always seek the finest quality to offer you with love. When we blend Brazilian cashews with American almonds, Turkish hazelnuts, and Mexican seeds, all roasted with precision by Palestinian hands, the result is an extraordinary taste. At Kasho Roastery, you'll also find a selection of premium chocolates from Britain, Switzerland, and Belgium, alongside locally crafted Palestinian chocolate that we take great pride in. Additionally, we offer the finest Turkish delight, as well as unique gifts and treats for special occasions.
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جميع مشاريعنا

Car Wash

غسيل السيارات داخل محطات الهدى للمحروقات فرعي الماصيون والبالوع: غسيل سيارات , واكس, بولش, تنظيف داخلي للسيارات, كماليات سيارات, عطور,

Reef Restaurant

    تأسست شركة مطعم ريف عام 2012 ، في حي الطيرة بمحافظة رام الله حيث يقدم قائمة متنوعة من المؤكلات والاطباق الفلسطينية التراثية و العربية و الغربية المحضرة بطريقة احترافية و شهية بأيدي اشهر الطباخين المحليين والعالمين، ويضم المطعم سبعون موظفا مدربون وجاهزون لتقديم الخدمة حسب الاصول.

Al-Huda Maintenance Center

Al-Huda Maintenance Center – Expertise and professionalism in providing comprehensive maintenance solutions for your car, using the latest technologies and the best materials to ensure the highest quality and exceptional service.

RED Supermarket

    Reed Supermarket was established in 2009 as a central market to meet the needs of Palestinian families for food and household supplies. Its branches are spread across several governorates, from Ramallah to Jericho and Nablus, offering competitive prices and convenient services, including dedicated parking and a qualified staff to assist customers.

Rio Cafe

    Rio Café was established in 2013 to offer Brazilian coffee, a variety of beverages, desserts, and shisha. Its branches are currently located in Al-Bireh and Abu Dis, with plans to expand to Beit ‘Ur al-Tahta and other Palestinian universities.

Total Global Oils

حصلت شركة الهدى للمحروقات على الوكالة الحصرية لزيوت توتال العالمية في العام 2008، وتعتبر زيوت توتال من افضل انواع زيوت المحركات العالمية، فهي تمنح المركبة عمرا أطول، و حماية أكبر، و تمتلك الشركة الام التي تتخذ من العاصمة الفرنسية مقرها لها، اكبر مجموعة محطات وقود في العالم، و توفر شركة الهدى للمحروقات زيوت توتال العالمية في كافة مراكز الصيانة التابعة المحطاتها، من اجل توفيرها للعملاء أينما تواجدوا.

محلات ومعارض لازمك

    تأسست شركة لازمك عام ،2012 بهدف توفير جميع لوازم وإكسسوارات المركبات و معدات ومواد البناء والكهرباء و كافة المستلزمات والإحتياجات ذات العلاقة بالبيوت والحدائق، و تمتلك الشركة الان فروعا عديدة في مختلف محافظات وقرى فلسطين من الفرع الرئيسي في حي الماصيون في محافظة رام الله و حي البالوع في محافظة البيرة، الطيرة، وأريحا وقرية بيت عور التحتا، و يجري الإعداد الان الى افتتاح فرعين جديدين في كل من محافظتي عناتا ونابلس، بالاضافة الى ذلك تسعى لازمك الى التطور المستمر في مخططاتها ونشر فروعها في باقي مختلف المحافظات من اجل تقديم اعلى مستويات الخدمة للعملاء وتوفير الوقت والجهد.

Gas & Diesel Distribution

Al Huda Petroleum Company has been the exclusive agent for Total Oils since 2008. Total Oils are among the best engine oils, providing superior protection and a longer lifespan for vehicles. Total Oils are available at all Al Huda maintenance centers and stations to serve our customers everywhere

Kashew Roastery & Coffee

    محمص وبن كاشو موجود داخل محطات الهدى للمحروقات فرعي البالوع والطيرة وقريبا فرع الماصيون. نبحث عن الأجود لنقدمه لكم بكل حب، عندما نخلط الكاشو البرازيلي مع اللوز الامريكي مع البندق التركي مع البزر المكسيكي المحمص بايدي فلسطينية بدقة تعطيه لذة غير طبيعية، وبعدها ابحث في محمص كاشو عن الشوكولاته البريطانية و السويسرية ولا تنسى البلجيكية و الذي نفتخر بها الصناعة المحلية الشوكولاته الفلسطينية. أجود أنواع الحلقوم التركي الهدايا المميزة والمناسبات الجميلة

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pure oil


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